
由AKannan著作·2014·被引用7次—Imagescanbeusedtoconveymanydifferentconceptsorillustratemanydifferentstories.Weproposeanalgorithmtominemultiplediverse, ...,Miningtextsnippetsforimagesontheweb.·webimages·textinformation·imagedatabase·imagedata·groundtruth·website·inputimage·imagefeatures ...,Ouralgorithmscalestoallimagesontheweb.Foreachimage,allwebpagesthatcontainitareconsidered.Thetop-Ktextsnippe...

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web

由 A Kannan 著作 · 2014 · 被引用 7 次 — Images can be used to convey many different concepts or illustrate many different stories. We propose an algorithm to mine multiple diverse, ...


Mining text snippets for images on the web. · web images · text information · image database · image data · ground truth · website · input image · image features ...

Mining text snippets for images on the web

Our algorithm scales to all images on the web. For each image, all webpages that contain it are considered. The top-K text snippet selection problem is posed as ...

Text Mining for Automatic Image Tagging

由 CW Leong 著作 · 被引用 55 次 — 1 Introduction. With continuously increasing amounts of images available on the Web and elsewhere, it is im- portant to find methods to annotate and orga-.

Mining text snippets for images on the web

由 A Kannan 著作 · 2014 · 被引用 7 次 — Our algorithm scales to all images on the web. For each image, all webpages that contain it are considered. The top-K text snippet selection ...

Image semantics discovery from web pages for ...

由 HC Yang 著作 · 2008 · 被引用 36 次 — The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we review some related works on semantic-based image retrieval and text mining. We then describe the text mining ...

(PDF) Mining text snippets for images on the web

Images are often used to convey many different concepts or illustrate many different stories. We propose an algorithm to mine multiple diverse, relevant, ...